The All Saints Community is dedicated to growing in relationship with God, self, others, and all creation.
Our Core Values are LOVE and ACCEPTANCE
We invite and welcome people of all ages and walks of life into our intimate, inclusive, and compassionate community where we focus on spiritual nurture, education, and serving those who live in the Fayette County area.
Morning Prayer on YouTube is available.
Tuesdays through Fridays.

Sunday Service - 11:15AM
Food for the Body and Soul!
Monday Meals
Meals will be cooked and delivered on
April , 2025
Monday Meals will meet on the date listed above at 10:30AM.
If you know someone who would like a home-cooked meal, please call the Office. If you would like to come, share fellowship, and help prepare the meals and/or distribute them, please let Sue Timmons know (or call the Office.)
Sunday Morning Adult Class
March 23, 2025
Contact the office for printouts
Commentary on the Readings
Find us on

Midweek Evening Worship!
Wednesday at 5:30
Healing Service
1st week each month
Please see the
Connecting with Others page for Available Grants for Outreach
to see several upcoming opportunities for Learning, Sharing, Training, etc.
Lenten Series
Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00PM
Telling Our Stories
at St. Mary's in Hillsboro
or on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 2560 6818
Passcode: 956056
Worship Times
Fellowship and Adult Class 10:15am
Worship 11:15am
9:00AM Worship at St. Mary's in Hillsboro